North Lakeland Location Now Open!

1996 B.S., Biology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID
2001 Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
2003 M.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

1996 B.S., Biology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID
2001 Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
2003 M.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

2003-2007 Alabama, 00026365 (inactive)
2007-2008 California, A98634 (inactive)
2008-2009 Florida, ME100760
2008-2009 Pennsylvania, MD433747 (inactive)

2003-2004 Internship in Internal Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
2004-2007 Dermatology Residency, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
2007-2008 Procedural Dermatology Fellowship, Dr. Ron Moy, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
2008-present Private Practice, Florida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers, Winter Haven, FL

2004-2007 American Academy of Dermatology
2004-2007 AAD Continuing Medical Education Committee
2004-2007 AAD Health Care Delivery Committee

About Dr. K. Wade Foster

Dr. K. Wade Foster is board-certified in dermatology and Mohs micrographic surgery, and has served as the medical director for FLDSCC since 2008. Dr. Foster received his Bachelor of Science degree from Idaho State University, and his medical and postgraduate doctoral degrees from the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB). He also completed both an internship and residency at UAB, and a procedural dermatology fellowship at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine under one of the leading cosmetic and facial plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, Dr. Ron Moy.

Dr. Foster has authored several peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, and has been featured by the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), and the American College of Mohs Surgery. He has been a member of the AAD as well as the AAD Continuing Medical Education and Health Care Delivery committees since 2004. Dr. Foster has earned several awards including the 1998 and 2000 John R. Durant Award for Excellence in Cancer Research and the 2003 Emily Omura M.D. Award, UAB Department of Dermatology.

At FLDSCC, Dr. Foster focuses on all types of general and complex dermatology, with a special interest in the prevention and treatment of skin cancer as well as the preservation of healthy tissue and skin. As part of his multidisciplinary approach, Dr. Foster successfully treats a variety of skin cancers with Mohs micrographic surgery.

Outside of the office, Dr. Foster enjoys spending time with his family and exploring new areas of Florida.

2003-2007 Alabama, 00026365 (inactive)
2007-2008 California, A98634 (inactive)
2008-2009 Florida, ME100760
2008-2009 Pennsylvania, MD433747 (inactive)

1992-1993 Kasiska Family Scholarship, Idaho State University
1992-1996 Dean’s List, Idaho State University
1994 Best Undergraduate Paper, Idaho Academy of Sciences
1996 Datus M. Hammond Award for Best Undergraduate Paper, Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists
1996 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Inductee
1996 Outstanding Student in the Biological Sciences, Idaho State University
1998 John R. Durant Award for Excellence in Cancer Research, 1st place UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Retreat
1999 Samuel B. Barker Award for Excellence in Research, Semifinalist UAB Department of Medicine 15th Annual Trainee Research Retreat
1999 John R. Durant Award for Excellence in Cancer Research, 2nd place, UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Retreat
2000 MD/PhD Annual Retreat Poster Competition, 2nd place
2000 John R. Durant Award for Excellence in Cancer Research, 1st place UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Retreat
2000 UAB Medical Student Research Day Poster Competition, 1st place
1996-2003 Medical Scientist Training Program Trainee, UABSOM
2003 Emily Omura, M.D. Award, UABSOM Department of Dermatology

1. Foster KW, Von Dohlen C, Smith LH, and RD Spall. 1997. Variation in 18s rRNA gene sequences among members of a single species of Myxozoa collected from multiple sites. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology; 44(1):14A.
2. Rose J, Kennedy M, Johnston B, Foster W. 1998. Serum prolactin and dehydroepiandrosterone concentrations during the summer and winter hair growth cycles of mink (Mustela vison). Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol.;121(3):263-71.
3. Foster KW, Ren S, Louro ID, Lobo-Ruppert SM, McKie-Bell P, Grizzle W, Hayes MR, Broker TR, Chow LT, Ruppert JM. 1999. Oncogene expression cloning by Retroviral transduction of adenovirus E1A-immortalized rat kidney RK3E cells: transformation of a host with epithelial features by c-MYC and the zinc finger protein GKLF. Cell Growth Differ.; 10(6):423-34.3
4. Foster KW, Frost AR, McKie-Bell P, Lin CY, Engler JA, Grizzle WE, Ruppert JM. 2000. Increase of GKLF messenger RNA and protein expression during progression of breast cancer. Cancer Res.; 60(22):6488-95.
5. Foster KW. Initiation of the dysplasia-carcinoma sequence by KLF4. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine. 2001.
6. Huang CM, Foster KW, DeSilva T, Zhang J, Shi Z, Yusuf N, Van Kampen KR, Elmets CA, Tang DC. 2003. Comparative proteomic profiling of murine skin. J Invest Dermatol.;121(1):51-64.
7. Huang CM, Foster KW, DeSilva TS, Van Kampen KR, Elmets CA, Tang DC. 2004. Identification of Bacillus anthracis proteins associated with germination and early outgrowth by proteomic profiling of anthrax spores. Proteomics; 4(9):2653-61.
8. Foster KW, Ghannoum MA, Elewski BE. 2004. Epidemiologic surveillance of cutaneous fungal infection in the United States from 1999 to 2002. J Am Acad Dermatol.; 50(5):748-52. 9. Van Kampen KR, Shi Z, Gao P, Zhang J, Foster KW, Chen DT, Marks D, Elmets CA, Tang DC. 2005. Safety and immunogenicity of adenovirus-vectored nasal and epicutaneous influenza vaccines in humans. Vaccine; 23(8):1029-36.
10. Foster KW, Liu Z, Nail CD, Li X, Fitzgerald TJ, Bailey SK, Frost AR, Louro ID, Townes TM, Paterson AJ, Kudlow JE, Lobo-Ruppert SM, Ruppert JM. 2005. Induction of KLF4 in basal keratinocytes blocks the proliferation-differentiation switch and initiates squamous epithelial dysplasia. Oncogene; 24(9):1491-500.
11. Robbins CM, Foster KW, Elewski BE, Martin ES. Tinea pedis, In: Emedicine. Eds. Raugi GJ, Wells MJ, Libow L, Quirk C, James WD. 2005
12. Foster KW, Roberts D, Goodwin CR, Huang CC. 2005. Surgical pearl: Preventing perioperative exposure keratopathy. J Am Acad Dermatol.; 53(4):707-8.
13. Foster KW, Friedlander SF, Panzer H, Ghannoum MA, Elewski BE. 2005. A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of fluconazole in the treatment of pediatric tinea capitis. J Am Acad Dermatol.;53(5):798-809.
14. Foster KW, Elmets CA. 2006. Sunburn. In: Rakel RE, Bope ET, (Eds.) Conn’s Medical Therapy, pp. 1066-9. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
15. Foster KW, Thomas L, Warner J, Desmond R, Elewski BE. 2005. A bipartite interaction between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and fungi in onychomycosis. Arch Dermatol. 141(11):1467-8.
16. Huang CC, Liu Z, Li X, Bailey SK, Nail CD, Foster KW, Frost AR, Ruppert JM, and Lobo-Ruppert SM. 2005. KLF4 and PCNA identify stages of tumor initiation in a conditional model of cutaneous squamous epithelial neoplasia. Cancer Biol Ther. 4(12):1401-8.
17. Harmon CB & Foster KW. 2006. Dermabrasion: clinical applications. (Submitted for publication In: Atlas of Cosmetic Surgery, Second Edition; Eds.: M. Kaminer, J. Dover, K. Arndt, C. Zachary, T. Rohrer, Elsevier, London, U.K.). In press
18. Harmon CB & Foster KW. 2006. Medium-depth Chemical Peels. In: Cosmetic Dermatology Procedure Manual for Dermatology Residents and Practicing Dermatologists, A.L. Leonard & C.W. Hanke (Eds.). pp. 89-101.
19. Foster KW & Elmets CA. 2007. Inflammation after solar radiation. In: Biophysical and Physiological Effects of Solar Radiation on Human Skin, Paolo Giacomoni (Ed.). RSC Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
20. Collier CN, Harper JC, Cantrell WC, Wang W, Foster KW, Elewski BE. 2008. The prevalencen of acne in adults 20 years and older. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 58(1):56-9.
21. KW Foster, E.F. Fincher, R. Kissel, and R. L. Moy. 2007. Improvement in Favre-Racouchot Disease Treated With a Combination Medium-depth Chemical Peel Containing Jessner’s Solution/35% Trichloroacetic Acid. The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery, 24(4):201-4.
22. KW Foster, MD, PhD, David J. Kouba, MD, PhD, Edgar F. Fincher, MD, PhD, Zachary S. Glicksman, Jennifer Hayes, Valerie Freeman, PA, Helen H. Fincher, MD & Ron L. Moy, MD. 2008. Early improvement in rhytides and skin laxity following treatment with a combination fractional laser emitting two wavelengths sequentially. J Drugs Dermatol. 2008 Feb;7(2):108-11.
23. K. Wade Foster, David J. Kouba MD PhD, Jennifer Hayes, Valerie Freeman, PA, Ronald L. Moy MD. 2008. Reductions in Thigh and Infraumbilical Circumference Following Treatment with a Novel Device Combining Ultrasound, Suction, and Massage. J Drugs Dermatol. 2008 Feb;7(2):113-5.
24. K. Wade Foster, Edgar F. Fincher, Ronald L. Moy. 2008. Heat-induced ‘recall’ of treatment zone erythema following fractional resurfacing with a combination (1320-nm/1440-nm) laser. Arch Dermatol. 2008 Oct;144(10):1398-9.
25. K. Wade Foster, Edgar F. Fincher, Ronald L. Moy. 2008. Plasma Resurfacing, In: Keyvan Nouri (Ed.) Lasers in Dermatology and Medicine, Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
26. K. Wade Foster, Edgar F. Fincher, Ronald L. Moy. 2008. Advances in Plasma Skin Regeneration. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2008 Sep;7(3):169-79.
27. K. Wade Foster, Edgar F. Fincher, Ronald L. Moy. 2009. Radiofrequency ablation of facial nerve branches controlling glabellar frowning. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Dec;35(12):1908-17.

1. Foster KW. Introduction to a new species of astomatous ciliate from southeastern Idaho. Idaho Academy of Sciences 36th Annual Meeting, 1994
2. Foster, K.W. and R.D. Spall. A new parasitic astomatous ciliate Monodontophrya idahoensis, of the freshwater oligochaete Rhynchelmis rostrata (Eisen, 1888) from Idaho. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists 26th Annual Meeting, 1995
3. Foster KW, Von Dohlen C, Smith LH, and RD Spall. Variation in 18s rRNA gene sequences among members of a single species of Myxozoa collected from multiple sites. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists 27th Annual Meeting, 1996 Joint Meeting of the Society of Parasitologists & Society of Protozoologists, 1997
4. Foster KW, Ren S, Louro ID, Lobo-Ruppert SM, McKie-Bell P, Grizzle W, Hayes MR, Broker TR, Chow LT, Ruppert JM. Isolation of a novel oncogene GKLF by expression cloning. Annual Research Retreat of the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1998
5. Foster KW, Ren S, Louro ID, Lobo-Ruppert SM, McKie-Bell P, Grizzle W, Hayes MR, Broker TR, Chow LT, Ruppert JM. Oncogene expression cloning by retroviral transduction of adenovirus E1A-immortalized rat kidney RK3E cells: transformation of a host with epithelial features by the zinc finger protein GKLF.
UAB Department of Medicine 15th Annual Trainee Research Retreat, 1999
6. Foster KW, Frost AR, McKie-Bell P, Lin CY, Engler JA, Grizzle WE, Ruppert JM. GKLF messenger RNA and protein expression during progression of breast cancer. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Annual Retreat, 1999
7. Foster KW, Louro ID, Frost AR, McKie-Bell P, Lin CY, Engler JA, Grizzle WE, JM Ruppert. Upregulated expression of GKLF mRNA in breast and squamous cell carcinomas. Annual Research Retreat of the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1999
8. Foster KW, Liu Z, Nail CD, Li X, Fitzgerald TJ, Bailey SK, Frost AR, Louro ID, Townes TM, Paterson AJ, Kudlow JE, Lobo-Ruppert SM, Ruppert JM. Constitutive and inducible expression of GKLF/KLF4 in transgenic mouse skin. UAB MD/PhD Annual Retreat Poster Competition, 2000
9. Foster KW, Liu Z, Nail CD, Li X, Fitzgerald TJ, Bailey SK, Frost AR, Louro ID, Townes TM, Paterson AJ, Kudlow JE, Lobo-Ruppert SM, Ruppert JM. Inducible expression of GKLF in murine skin induces squamous cell carcinoma. UAB Medical Student Research Day Poster Competition, 2000
10. Foster KW, Liu Z, Nail CD, Li X, Fitzgerald TJ, Bailey SK, Frost AR, Louro ID, Townes TM, Paterson AJ, Kudlow JE, Lobo-Ruppert SM, Ruppert JM. Ectopic expression of KLF4 in transgenic mouse skin induces squamous cell carcinoma. Annual Research Retreat of the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2000
11. MK Jacobs, M.D., M.P.H.; KW Foster; W Cantrell, N.P.; BE Elewski, M.D. Clinical Manifestations of Smallpox and Complications from Smallpox Vaccination. American Academy of Dermatology, 61st Annual Meeting, 2003
12. Foster KW, Friedlander SF, Panzer H, Ghannoum MA, Elewski BE. A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of fluconazole in the treatment of pediatric tinea capitis.
American Academy of Dermatology, 63rd Annual Meeting, 2005
13. Foster KW, Esser AC, Frith M, Elder JE, Monheit GD, Harmon CB. A prospective randomized study comparing the efficacy of horizontal Mohs tissue processing to vertical ‘breadloaf’ tissue processing in the surgical management of superficial melanoma. ACMMSCO Annual Meeting, 2006
14. David J. Kouba, K. Wade Foster, Edgar F. Fincher, Jennifer Hayes, Ronald L. Moy. Percutaneous absorption of topically applied substances following fractional photothermolysis. ASLMS Annual Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 2008
15. K. Wade Foster, Edgar F. Fincher, David J. Kouba, Ronald L. Moy. Changes in
cutaneous gene expression levels following treatment with a combination (1320-nm/1440-nm) fractional laser.ASLMS Annual Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 2008
16. Foster KW, Fincher EF, Moy RL. Contributors to the aesthetic and functional outcome of paramedian forehead flaps: mucosal lining flaps and other factors. ACMS Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2008

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