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Below you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

We accept most insurance plans. To confirm whether or not we accept your insurance, you may contact your insurance provider to have your coverage and benefits explained, or you can call our office at 855-353-7546.

Your cell phone can be a great tool to help you prepare for your visit. For example, you can take a well-lit picture of your skin care and sunscreen products. You can also take a selfie or series of selfies of your face, hair, and neck (with no makeup) and any additional problem areas you’d like to discuss with us. This is completely optional but could allow us to see something like an intermittent acne breakout that might not be present on the day of your visit.

Our dermatology experts will want the most unobstructed view of your skin, hair, and nails. If possible, come to your appointment without makeup (but do remember your SPF protection), and remember to remove nail polish, as well as hair clips and accessories.

Great care begins with great communication. On your first visit with FLDSCC, you can expect an in-depth review of your medical history, a discussion about your areas of concern, and in many cases, your full-body skin cancer exam. It’s very important to have us check your skin annually, especially areas you can’t see—to look at your moles, discolorations, and marks for anything suspicious. Performed on a yearly basis, these exams can often help us spot skin cancer and other problems at their earliest, most treatable stages.

Be prepared to answer medical and health questions about you and your immediate family. Have questions you really want answers to? Write them down and bring them. We’d be happy to answer them!

Once your physical exam is completed, we will explain any recommended treatment options, including detailed instructions on how to use prescription products, and discuss follow-up steps.

Why Choose Florida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers?

Our medical team is dedicated to delivering a superior patient experience every time. We have board-certified dermatologists, board-certified dermatopathologists, board-certified plastic surgeons, fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons, clinical researchers and developers, practice extenders, certified physician assistants, and advanced nurse practitioners. We consider ourselves Florida’s leading experts in a wide range of dermatologic specialties.


We specialize in medical and surgical dermatology for conditions of the skin, hair, and nails in patients of all ages. We also specialize in skin cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatments and much more.

Unless your insurance plan requires a referral from your primary care physician, you can simply contact us by phone at 855-353-7546, or fill out an online form to schedule an appointment or a consultation. To determine if you require a referral, or which services are covered by your plan, a quick call directly to your insurance provider should help answer those questions.

Contact our customer service professionals at 1-855-353-7546 or the number on your statement.

One of the first indications of a non-melanoma skin cancer is the appearance of an unusual skin growth or a non-healing sore. Skin cancer may initially appear as a nodule, rash, or irregular patch on the surface of the skin. These spots may be raised and may ooze or bleed easily.

To look for melanoma, it’s important to know the ABCDEs of this type of skin cancer. If you notice a mole or skin lesion with one or more of the below, call us at 855-353-7546 for an appointment immediately:

  • A is for Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half.
  • B is for Border: The edges are ragged, notched, blurred, or irregular.
  • C is for Color: The color varies from one area to another.
  • D is for Diameter: While melanomas are usually greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser) when diagnosed, they can be smaller.
  • E is for Evolving: A mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape, or color.

Non-melanoma skin cancers occur most in people:

  • Who have had sunburns, used tanning beds, or had increased exposure to UV light
  • Have a history of skin cancer
  • Are fair skinned
  • Are men
  • Have chronic infections and skin inflammation (from burns, certain chemicals, radiation and other exposures)
Several treatments are available, including traditional surgery, scraping, burning, freezing, radiation, topical chemotherapy medications, and Mohs micrographic surgery.

Mohs micrographic surgery is an advanced, highly effective treatment for several types of non-melanoma skin cancers and offers the highest potential for a cure, while minimizing the cosmetic impact of treatment. Our fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons remove skin cancer by excising one layer of tissue at a time. After each layer is removed, it is examined by the surgeon under a microscope to determine if the tissue is clear of cancer. If skin cancer is still present, the remaining cells are precisely mapped and removed. This detailed microscopic mapping technique enables the surgeon to remove diseased tissue and spare as much healthy skin as possible. If you want to know more, click here.

The Mohs procedure is performed in the surgeon’s office and our pathological examinations are immediate, the entire process is completed in a single day, usually taking between 1-3 hours.

Maintaining healthy skin is key when it comes to looking and feeling your best. It’s also essential for your body’s wellbeing. Your skin is a barrier that helps protect you from the viruses and bacteria you are exposed to every day, as well as the sun’s ultraviolet light that can damage cells. Your skin helps your body regulate your temperature, helps convert sunlight to vitamin D, and allows you to react to environmental changes by feeling hot and cold, pain and pressure.

Partnering in your care with Florida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers is a great way for you to address and treat any concerns you have about your skin.

For most people, an annual visit that includes a skin cancer exam is recommended. If you are receiving treatments for skin, hair, or nail conditions, or cosmetic/aesthetic treatments, your dermatologist or expert provider will recommend the appropriate length of time between your visits.

There is no such thing as a healthy tan. Most skin cancers are a result of too much UV light exposure from the sun and tanning beds. Skin cancer prevention should start at infancy, since much of the damage to your skin starts when you are a child, teen, and young adult.

Skin cancer prevention basics:

  • Apply a broad-spectrum UVA and UVB-protection sunscreen daily before you leave your house. This should be in the morning or before spending time in the sun. Use an SPF of 30 or higher. At FLDSCC, we recommend the use of sunscreen lotions, but if you prefer to use a spray, be certain to apply a generous amount and rub it in completely. If you are out for the day, re-apply your sunscreen every 80 minutes, as well as after swimming or sweating. Make sure your sunscreen has not expired.
  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Cover up with long-sleeved, light clothing, a broad-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Avoid sunburns and tanning – including tanning beds – all the time.

Your skin is the largest organ of the body and it is also your first line of protection against infection and the elements. Taking care of your skin and keeping it healthy and fit is important. Our dermatologists can help you better understand your skin type and recommend products that are best suited to you for routine cleansing, hydrating and anti-aging. Cleanse, exfoliate, tighten, tone, hydrate, and protect!

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